The Wedding Day, 21 September 2002

The Wedding Party

5-32 Party.jpeg
89 kb
690 x 460
491 x 327
Ref Num: 77

The Program

2-33 Program.jpeg
88 kb
706 x 460
276 x 180
Ref Num: 82

Last minute touches for the cake

2-04 Cake Prep.jpeg
34 kb
714 x 460
279 x 180
Ref Num: 130

Today! It's really going to happen!

2-03 G Waiting.jpeg
20 kb
308 x 460
121 x 180
Ref Num: 134

Look out, here I come.

2-20 B Stairs.jpeg
33 kb
710 x 460
278 x 180
Ref Num: 131

Ready for the cermony.

2-25 B Maids Before.jpeg
35 kb
710 x 460
278 x 180
Ref Num: 132

"Are you ready?"

2-26 B Dad Before.jpeg
34 kb
710 x 460
278 x 180
Ref Num: 133

Cue the music.

3-12 Cermony Flower Girl.jpeg
13 kb
300 x 460
117 x 180
Ref Num: 92

Here comes the bride.

3-14 Bride Enters.jpeg
30 kb
321 x 460
126 x 180
Ref Num: 93


3-25 Cermony Front.jpeg
35 kb
718 x 460
281 x 180
Ref Num: 101

I do...

3-19 Cermony Prayer.jpeg
34 kb
730 x 460
286 x 180
Ref Num: 95

I do...

3-23 Cermony BG Grooms.jpeg
33 kb
690 x 460
270 x 180
Ref Num: 99

I can't belive it is happening.

3-20 Cermony Maids.jpeg
34 kb
734 x 460
287 x 180
Ref Num: 96

The kiss

3-21 Cermony Kiss.jpeg
33 kb
730 x 460
286 x 180
Ref Num: 97

The happy couple

3-28 BG Exit v3.jpeg
82 kb
501 x 460
409 x 373
Ref Num: 106

Military Arch

2-27 Arch.jpeg
14 kb
298 x 460
185 x 285
Ref Num: 80

Grand Exit

5-8 BG Arch.jpeg
86 kb
297 x 460
183 x 280
Ref Num: 121

Enjoying being together

sample printed.jpeg
85 kb
361 x 460
425 x 541
Ref Num: 78

The first dance.

6-10 BG Dancing.jpeg
12 kb
297 x 460
348 x 539
Ref Num: 136

Today I Marry My Friend